All the advanced search features can now be accessed via the search text box without opening the advanced section. Also, when you select one of the advanced options, it shows you what the typed text command would be for that search.
- genre:"genre to search" (must be quoted if it contains spaces)
- year: numeric year or 'new', this also allows regular expression strings for numbers, eg. 200[3-5] for 2003-2005 or 19(7[7-9]|80) for years 1977-1980
- country: 2 letter country code. This also allows multiple country codes, in parentheses separated by a bar, eg. country:(us|mx|ca) for North America
- avg: numeric value 0-5 for the average rating of all listeners, the search results can vary +/- 0.25 from the selected value. rated: is a synonym for avg:.
- my: numeric value 0-5 of your own ratings, the search results can vary +/- 0.25 from the selected value. You can also use this to select a random list of your rated and not recently played songs by using the format my:4.5x12 for your rated 4.5 that has not been played in the last twelve months (this is similar to my:4.5 since:12 in:song, but the latter does not pick random selections from the results).
- since: numeric value in months since the artist/album/song was last played
- duration: numeric value in minutes for the duration of a song, optionally duration:<X (for less than X), >X (for greater than X), X-Y (for between X:00 and Y:59 minutes/seconds); A single value searches between X:00 and X:59 minutes.
- in: artist|album|song. choices for this are artist, album or song. These can also be combined to choose multiple sections when separated by a bar, eg. in:artist|album
- artist: "artist to search", if the artist is more than one word you must put it in quotes
- album: "album to search", if the album is more than one word you must put it in quotes
- votes: X OR <X OR X-Y OR >X, where X, Y are integers. For example: votes:>30, votes:15-20 or votes:<5
- modifiers You can use many of the regular expressions the help filter results, for example ^ is for begins with or $ is for ends with
(Note: a space after colon is optional)
- in:artist rush will deliver results Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush and Rush
- artist:yes year:197[4-7] in:album will deliver results Relayer and Going for the One
- my:4.5 in:artist country:^I ^M will deliver results of your artists from country codes that begin with the letter I, rated 4.25-4.75, that begin with the letter M
- in:song avg:2.5 since:60 will deliver songs rated 2.25-2.75 that have not been played in the last 60 months
- in:song my:5x6 will deliver songs you rated 5 that have not been played in the last 6 months
- in:album artist:"dream theater" will deliver results all Dream Theater albums
- camel (depending on which checkboxes are set) will deliver results for the word camel in the artist, album and/or song title.
- my:0 avg:4.5 in:albums will deliver a list of albums you have not yet rated, that have a 4.25-4.75 average rating.
- in:albums since:0 will deliver albums that have never been played
Another previously undocumented feature (and/or bug depending on results) is when there is one result in the artist box, the albums for the artist will be displayed as well, and if there is only one album in the albums box, the songs for that album are likewise displayed. This can be problematic when you are searching for multiple artists/albums/songs at the same time and if there is only one artist or album, the child box will be submitted for results from the parent item. An example would be searching 'Camel' with all the artist/album/song checkboxes set.
If you have ideas for other search options, let me know and I'll find out if it is possible with the data that we have.