It's been a while to post anything here (I guess because of Facebook and the Progulus page). But I thought I'd check-in for a reminder to those who don't have a
FB account or are relatively new to the station.
On the 22nd of September, it is the sad anniversary of a good friend of ours who passed away in 2013. We all knew him here as "Howdy", but his name was
Robert T. Hollingsworth. He had been a loyal progger since the days of "Progged Radio" (aka "Behedemal") and many of us had talked to him on a daily basis
on their live chat board, as we did here in the early days

I can remember his sense of humor, but his often mature and direct personality, though not in a rude or stern way, but that he was a man who said what he
meant - yet willing to laugh with all of us and get into the subjects of music, and the musics we all enjoyed here. I had the pleasure of talking to him on the
phone briefly once, he was as I described him, but also I felt that if we lived closer to each other, we would have been good friends.
It was nice to know that he also got his sister into Progressive music and I have gotten to know her as well, but sadly, it was she that announced the news of
why we had not heard from him till almost a month later to our sadness

But lets "Celebrate" his life and his friendship to Progulus from its beginnings!
Please remember him on the 22nd, request, dedicate, remember Howdy with songs and bands he enjoyed, and any song that reflects how we miss him.
Visit the station during the day if you can, where many are chatting live and make any request you wish, to remember our good friend Rob.
This is "unofficial", so just stop by and say hello to everyone, and make requests, and "dedicate" a song to Rob if you wish.
Thank you everyone,